Where to find us

We are located at Unit 15 Wheatley Business Centre, Old London Road, Wheatley, Oxford, OX33 1XW

For enquiries please contact each therapist directly.

Podiatry - Contact Gemma on: 07969321909

E-mail: GemmaJohnsonPodiatrist@outlook.com

Home visit appointments are not available due to health issues.

Foot Health - Contact Lynn on : 07793813382

E-mail: lynnfootcare@gmail.com

Home visit appointments are available upon request.

Soft Tissue - Contact Will on: 07539257542

Email: Wjcmuscletherapy@gmail.com

or E-mail us Enquiries@wheatleyfootbodyclinic.com

Gift cards are available in a range of styles for any occasion, please get in touch to order.

Gemma the Podiatrist is currently full to capacity and unable to take on any new clients at this time.
Lynn the Foot Health Professional has space and is accepting new clients in the clinic and for home visits.
Soft Tissue Therapy is currently closed.